Insight Library Members Only.

9th September 2017

The section is for clients and members only. Please click on introduction and tabs below if your a none member. But also feel free to browse.

There are insider mannuls which cover many aspects of life. All mannauls and courses take 1-2 days maximum. These are only for extra insight and learning and are not required in any shape or form for the services provided by Guardian Angel.

-How to learn any subject within days. This is vital for anyone with exams to pass for all levels up to university degrees with “Brain Metabolism”.

-How to learn how to defend yourself in hours by bypassing the need for physical fitness or skill and getting targets to auto respond against themselves. You’ll bypass years worth of training in hours with “5-CHI”.

-How to rid of most illness for life without the need for medicine, supplements, herbs ever again for you and your loved ones with “Health Wealth”.

-How to be infinitely creative and tap into the spiritual internet and never run out of ideas again. Taking All creative endeavours from art, branding, music and much much more to new hights with “Spirit Net”.

-How to use the subconscious mind and subconscious reality that communicates via a hidden language of sign, coincidence and logic to never be lost in life ever again with “Sense Matrix”.

There is direct insight and solutions on other subjects. Just ask about them and we will add them into your life for your considerations only.

Guardian Angel.