Mind Control & Logic

14th April 2016

This section is for those who are logically minded, you may want to start here. Your mind and senses are easily fooled. Knowledge isn’t power it’s actually power over you! You can be educated into stupidity and into ignorance; education can be used as a subtle weapon on its victims. See how logic and the mind can be used against you. Just because it makes ‘sense’ does not mean its real! Thinking outside the box always leads to another…


  1. Mind Control and Logic- Boxes
  2. Mind Control and Logic – Philosophies
  3. Mind Control and Logic – Contradictions
  4. Mind Control and Logic – Sense
  5. Mind Control and Logic – How Information Becomes Real
  6. Mind Control and Logic – Hijacked Intelligence
  7. Mind Control and Logic – Mind and Spirit Union!
  8. Beyond Mind Control & Logic – Warning!